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My mom is the sweetest gift God has given me! See How Actress Sikiratu Sindodo’s daughter Celebrate Her Mom 46th birthday

 Today is Tayo Odueke's aka Sikiratu Sindodo's 46th birthday, and her daughter Naomi has written a lovely birthday tribute for mom.

Naomi said on Instagram, "Yaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy My mother is the best gift God has given me, and I will always adore you.

You will always be triumphant because God will give you strength and support in all of your life undertakings; you are my guardian angel, and I love you very much, mama @sindodotayo."

The daughter of a popular actress Tayo Odueke aka Sikirat Sindodo, Naomi,  commended her mother for being there for her even as a single mother when graduated from Babcock University in 2020.

Naomi, who is in her early 20, recently said on her Instagram page, "They claim delay isn't denial, I'm so thankful for the End of this chapter." I'm eternally grateful to God for giving me the finest mother in the world!!! Mummy, I adore you so much... If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here... "Yassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Sikirat Sindodo, a single mother of one, acknowledged her daughter's post by writing, "To the finest daughter a mother could dream for!"

I'm still amazed that you're graduating.

These past few years have been such a crazy and fantastic ride...

We've had our ups and downs, but I adore you, admire your strong will, and admire your beautiful grin.

Best wishes on your new life adventure!!!

May Allah, the Almighty, continue to guide and protect you Allahumo amin."

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