Nollywood actress and filmmaker Funke Akindele has sparked excitement online with her latest playful interaction with rapper Falz. Sharing a video on Instagram, Funke captured a lighthearted moment with Falz, who was engrossed in his phone. She playfully complimented him, calling him handsome, to which Falz affectionately responded by calling her his "boo."
Funke captioned the post, “Love is in the air,” further fueling speculation about their bond.
Fans React to the Post
The exchange left fans buzzing in the comment section, with many speculating about the nature of their relationship:
Mayree_aa: “One day una go confess, Aunty Funke.”
Big Emir: “What’s going on?”
Princexdeybo: “Una still carry this love enter 2025.”
Hawash Bharbie: “Sege and Jenifa won’t let the singles breathe.”
Maazi Uchendu: “Until you get pregnant for Falz.”
Funke and Falz’s playful camaraderie has often left fans intrigued, with many jokingly rooting for a deeper connection between the two. Their charming chemistry, both on and off-screen, continues to entertain and delight their audience.