Nollywood actress Omobolarinde Akinyanju, popularly known as Ashabi, has sparked reactions online after sharing her family Christmas photos on Instagram. The actress, who welcomed her second child a few months ago, posted pictures featuring herself and her children, but noticeably absent was singer Portable.
In her heartfelt caption, Ashabi extended warm holiday wishes to her fans, praying for their dreams to come true. She wrote, “May this Holiday Season sparkle and shine, and may all your wishes and dreams come true. Merry Christmas. Mine @fitilamihan_atandaogo Irorunloluwa Ayoyomi.”
In a follow-up post, she shared another Christmas message, praying for peace, love, and joy for her followers. “From my family to yours, May the true meaning of Christmas bring you peace, love, and joy. Wishing you a blessed holiday season,” she added.
However, a fan took to the comment section to question Portable's absence from the photos, humorously suggesting the singer might be dressed in his signature eccentric style. The fan wrote, “Where is Portable na? Na juju and Sango costume he go wear.”
Ashabi has yet to respond to the fan’s playful query, but the comment has left many amused, highlighting the singer’s unique personality and presence in her life.